Saturday, December 12, 2009

the genius that led zeppelin is

With a practical exam scheduled to take place in 3 hours from now, the steady delirium inside me deems the time apt to appreciate the genius of “Led Zeppelin”. Since am technically inept to comment upon their music i shall write about the emotions that their music evokes. One of the most influential bands of the 1970’s, this band has been my personal favourite for the past three years now. Each song by this revolutionary band is an invasion into the hitherto unventured parts of the human psyche, encapsulating almost all elements of the spirit of mankind. also, since the band belonged to the 70’s there’s a simplistic pristinity in the way they go about their music, which is elusive with the bands of today.

The band has produced some of the finest tracks to have ever been created. What distinguishes them from other legendary bands of the 70’s is the synonymity between their songs and real life circumstances, at any point in time one can find a Zeppelin song that one could identify with.

Their music is product of a coalition of creative sensibilities of four geniuses. under no circumstance can one under appreciate the individual capabilities of the four rock legends that are to be found in Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, JPJ and John Bonham, but when put together, they transform into a force so overwhelming and indomitable , that all tat one wishes to do is to be swept off their feet and blend into the nothingness of the universe where everything ceases to exist except their music


(4th December 2009)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Although the desire to enter the blogging arena has itched me for long,my inability to metamorphose my simplistic thoughts to words compounded by my ineptitude to handle critique had been deterring me to go forth with my blogging venture. But with nothing to occupy me now, i thought of trying my hand at it. The blog has been named "as a pilot undertaking" to signify the uncertainty that i have in mind while writing this blog as abstract writing has never been my forte and neither do i know if i like it or not. Hence i shall be using this blog as an experiment to understand if i really enjoy writing about random stuff and hence the name. Now if you have the link to this blog, i would not need to introduce myself as ,in all probability, you would be someone who knows me.The purpose of this post is to tell you what to expect from this blog . As the url of the blog suggests its supposed to be a drudge's muse hence nothing intriguing should be expected. It shall contain my random and abstract thoughts and hence may or may not interest you. Praise and critique are both equally welcome as the analysis would make me improve. Also not being an intransigeant fool,I'm open to a change in opinion hence comments and discussions would always be appreciated .So that's all for now.

ps: do check this page out

And the journey begins!!!!!!